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Vitamins in Agricultural Catastrophes

  • M. Griswold, D. Denkenberger, D. D. Cole, M. Abdelkhaliq, J. Pearce
Pre-print available online from:
31 August 2016


This paper analyzes the vitamin content of resilient (alternate) food sources that could sustain humanity during abrupt sunlight reduction scenarios. It discusses adequate provision of vitamins without reaching toxic levels, with potential backup strategies like chemical synthesis and artificial light-grown plants.

Abrupt Sunlight Reduction Scenario (ASRS), Nuclear winter, Nutrition


A number of catastrophes could block the sun, including asteroid/comet impact, super volcanic eruption, and nuclear war with the burning of cities (nuclear winter). Previous work has analysed alternate food supplies (e.g. mushrooms growing on dead trees, bacteria growing on natural gas). This was shown to be technically capable of feeding everyone with macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and lipids) and for minerals (though economics and politics remain uncertain). The present work analyses vitamins. The vitamin content of various alternate foods is compared to the U.S. recommended daily allowance and found to be adequate in the right proportions. The results show the intake of all of these vitamins is below the toxic limit. Backup plans discussed include chemical synthesis of vitamins, plants grown with artificial light and growing bacteria rich in certain vitamins.

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